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My knowledge it was a group with a way of thought. I wanted to know what it meant to it’s full entity. I owe to it to my country.

“communism, political and economic doctrine that aims to replace private property and a profit-based economy with public ownership and communal control of at least the major means of production (e.g., mines, mills, and factories) and the natural resources of a society. Communism is thus a form of socialism—a higher and more advanced form, according to its advocates. Exactly how communism differs from socialism has long been a matter of debate, but the distinction rests largely on the communists’ adherence to the revolutionary socialism of Karl Marx.”

“ however, Marx identified two phases of communism that would follow the predicted overthrow of capitalism: the first would be a transitional system in which the working class would control the government and economy yet still find it necessary to pay people according to how long, hard, or well they worked, and the second would be fully realized communism—a society without class divisions or government, in which the production and distribution of goods would be based upon the principle “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.”

BolshevismLenin’s revolutionary communism

As head of the revolutionary Bolshevik faction of the party, Lenin made two important changes to the theory and practice of communism as Marx had envisioned it—changes so significant that the party’s ideology was later renamed Marxism-Leninism. The first, set out in What Is to Be Done? (1902), was that revolution could not and should not be made spontaneously by the proletariat, as Marx had expected, but had to be made by workers and peasants led by an elite “vanguard” party composed of radicalized middle-class intellectuals like himself. Secretive, tightly organized, and highly disciplined, the communist party would educate, guide, and direct the masses. This was necessary, Lenin claimed, because the masses, suffering from false consciousness and unable to discern their true interests, could not be trusted to govern themselves. Democracy was to be practiced only within the party, and even then it was to be constrained by the policy of democratic centralism. That is, full and vigorous debate would lead to a decision that would determine the party’s “line” on an issue, whereupon the party’s central leadership would close off debate and require adherence to the party line. Such strict discipline was necessary, Lenin maintained, if the party was to guide the masses to revolution and establish the socialist workers’ state that would follow. In short, the revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat had to be a dictatorship of the communist party in the name of the proletariat.”

Communism started as a form of socialism to benefit the residents of the country. It was changed into a form of power to control the masses. It was another way of removing democracy away from the people of Cuba. This type of control over the masses when freedom of speech is not included is a non-democratic government. Which a country with no freedom of speech or contribution to expression for change is not humane. I explain their voting system which ballots are selected for beneficial decisions but if one ballot comes opposed and not beneficial would not even be taken into consideration. This an inhumane way for a country to live while traumatizing humans who don’t deserve this treatment. Humans don’t deserve to be treated as if they don’t matter. This leads to major depression which has longer side effects in the long run. There is children being held in custody because there age for not having a reasonable cause and decided by communist on next course of decision. Communists who have abandoned the principalities of morality or human consideration has left this way of thinking. There is a country who is daily being held at gunpoint and don’t want any help by their citizens or natives that reside there. I was born in La Habana in the center of all this happening and if my roles were reversed, we need to have a voice for Cuba. The one thing about Miami that everyone knows the major population is Cubans out of the entire America. Many families escaping the dictatorship and communism is inhumane. I compare my home island to Alcatraz because it resembles it being a prison. No freedom of speech is an island who abandoned the common decency to treat a human because of a communist belief. Which was supposed to when originally created supposed to benefit everyone as democracy, not communist or officials who can decide what vote in voting procedure counts or doesn’t. the more I develop my love for law which I’m dedicating to my hometown is getting to know it like if I was a little girl.       `    

“Communism is a form of government most closely associated with the ideas of Karl Marx, which he outlined in The Communist Manifesto. Communism is based on the goal of eliminating socioeconomic class struggles by creating a classless society in which everyone shares the benefits of labor and the state controls all property and wealth.”

In the historical development made communism into many different type pf ideologies for reaching democracy but throughout time became the decision of selected officials opposing any democracy decision

“If the government controlled the economy and the people relinquished their property to the state, no single group of people could rise above another. Marx described this ideal in his Manifesto, but the practice of communism fell far short of the ideal. For a large part of the 20th century, about one-third of the world lived in communist countries—countries ruled by dictatorial leaders who controlled the lives of everyone else. The communist leaders set the wages, they set the prices, and they distributed the wealth. Western capitalist nations fought hard against communism, and eventually, most communist countries collapsed. Marx’s utopia was never achieved, as it required revolution on a global scale, which never came to pass. However, as of 2020, five proclaimed communist countries continue to exist: North Korea, Vietnam, China, Cuba, and Laos.”

Cuba residents lost their freedom of speech during the development and not even if they are entitled to help make change in Cuba and can’t. They are asking for America’s help for a reason. We can’t keep letting this happen to Cuba, it’s sad to see our brothers and sisters wrongfully incarcerated and held daily at gunpoint. This is no way of living but living straight out of a Stephen king novel would be the America saying in film world. We must get entertainment science fiction in this department by calling it a reality show of a horror movie.

“The first is an absence of incentives among citizens to produce for profit. The profit incentive leads to competition and innovation in society. But an ideal citizen in a communist society was selflessly devoted to societal causes and rarely stopped to think about his or her welfare. “At all times and all questions, a party member should give first consideration to the interests of the Party as a whole and put them in the foremost and place personal matters and interests second,” wrote Liu Shaoqi, the second chair of the People’s Republic of China.”

So even china definition of communism is that there is no say amongst the citizens. This is inhumane to even be still a way of thought. It is not a fair to keep that way when it should be based on democracy of the citizens and the officials coming together for a better way of living.

Cubans are asking for help because officials who control masses are being held at gunpoint. That is no way to treat humans because that’s the type of treatment seen in fiction scenarios in action directed movies in the United States.
